veterinary x ray equipment malaysia

In recent years, with the improvement of living standards, the rise of the city, a different life fashion: keep pets. According to perlong medical equipment company personnel related not complete count: the pet lovers age is basically is rising

As the number of pets more and more, all kinds of pet hospital also springing up rise. Pet hospital needs radiology equipment is mainly have pet X-ray machine, mainly used for filming for the pets. General pet hospital choice of pet X-ray machine has two types: mobile X-ray machine for pet and fixed pet X-ray machine. Mobile pet X-ray machine compared with fixed, it is small point, is for small pet scan of the diagnosis. Conversely, the use fixed pet X-ray machine.

medical X-ray equipment
PLX101D is a kind of mobile x ray machine.
The x ray machine is High frequency with100mA and power supplied by rechargeable battery for outdoor application especially for Field hospital

Application of veterinary medical X-ray equipment PLX101D
veterinary medical X-ray equipment PLX101D is combined with high-frequency X-ray photography diagnostic equipment, which is used in radiology, orthopedics, wards, emergency rooms, operating rooms, and ICU, etc. This mobile x ray machine is a mobile diagnostic equipment which can make radiography on human body, such as head, limbs, chest and spine. The mobile x ray device is especially suitable for photography without power supply, such as the special outdoor environment and emergent incidents.




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Medical Mammography X Ray System (BTX-9800 series)