The X-ray apparatus

The X-ray apparatus in our country has a very wide range of application of especially in hospitals has become one of the necessary medical instrument radiology. X-ray apparatus used in medical diagnosis, the main basis for the penetration effect of X ray, different absorption, light effect and fluorescence effect.
Because x-rays through the body, was not the same degree of absorption, such as bone absorption of X-ray quantity more than the amount of muscle absorption, then through the body after the X-ray quantity is not same, so carry the spread of information of the various parts of the body density, or shooting on film on the screen of the fluorescent effect or the strength of the light effect there is a big different, thus or shooting on film on the screen (by developing and fixing) will show different density shadow. Based on shadow shade mutatis mutandis, contact the clinical, laboratory findings and pathological diagnosis, one can distinguish human body some is normal or not. So, the X-ray diagnosis skills has become the world's first to use non plane injured gut check skills.

(high frequency digital medical diagnostic X-ray machine PLD6800)

X-ray apparatus used to heal, mainly based on the biological effects, the use of different energy X ray cells of the body lesions some shine, can cause the shining tissue destruction or bay, is then reach for some diseases, especially tumor treatment.

When using X-ray apparatus, we found that patients with hair loss, skin burns, staff hinder eyesight, leukemia and so on radiation injury doubt, in order to avoid the X-ray damage to human body, it is necessary to adopt the corresponding protective measures. Above constitute the x-rays used in medical aspects of the three major links - diagnosis, cure and protection.



630mA Radiography X ray Machin | price of DR system PLD6000

microplate reader 9602

Medical Mammography X Ray System (BTX-9800 series)