(Perlong medical- high frequency digital medical diagnostic X-ray machine PLD6000)
With the continuous development of science and technology, many disease diagnosis for medical deviceshave more strength, dental is one of them. The current perspective X-ray machine in our country in the field of dental medical has a very wide range.
But the perspective X-ray machines in use process, there are still many need to pay attention to the dentist to maintain themselves and the patient's well-being is not destroyed, and to meet the clear tooth piece, so the dentist chooses perspective X-ray machine, which will be selected to get a clear picture of the tooth, and X-ray dose to ensure that meet the small. Perspective in the field of dental X-ray machine use considerations include the following points:
1, appearance + tooth slice concluded that method
The dentist can use very accurate X-ray gamma table to determine the radiation dose a X-ray machine. Concluded that way to make X - gamma ray source table interval (primary rays) pair. Changing directions, until can't show the fixed (pointer) to stop. Measurement of the interval. The intervals as short as possible. But together, practice shooting in order to conclude that the radiation dose is met, according to accurately diagnose.
(Perlong medical- high frequency digital medical diagnostic X-ray machine PLD6000)
2, chip decryption tooth piece + tooth piece concluded that method
Due to X-ray contrast gamma radiation dosimeter precious, and for doctors, not the long time of practical value. So we can use a very brief judge method, namely take two teeth, used in practice, the other a dentist can be placed on primary rays 1.3 meters of bearing, also can be placed in the rays mouth nearby, but outside the beam Angle. After being finished tooth piece, will the other two (or more). From pictures, if found no exposure image clearly indicate its rays won't skip the spacing or size
3, single tooth slice test
Another way is more short, making teeth, it's ok to X-ray emission tube on patients with facial skin directly, if the tooth slice too deep (black), indicates the machine radiation dose is large