Enzyme mark of photometric determination of turbidity method and chromogenic substrate method

Enzymes, the basic working principle of the instrument with the main structure and photoelectric colorimeter are basically the same. Enzyme photometry instrument calibration test shall be carried out in a specific medical device instrument, temperature of 37 ℃ + 1 ℃. Test samples, test samples and limulus reagent and sample amount and the proportion of limulus reagent and heat preservation time, etc., with reference to the explanatory of instruments and reagents used. In order to ensure the effectiveness of turbidity and color test, should advance and carrying out reliability test of standard curve of the interference test of test sample solution.

And the standard curve of reliability test, when using a new batch of limulus reagent or test conditions happened any changes could affect the test results, need a standard curve of reliability test.

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Photometry enzyme standard instrument have turbidity method and two kinds of chromogenic substrate method, using the reagent chromogenic substrate law system and endotoxin reaction process of coagulase make specific chromogenic substrates release of color and the method of determination of bacterial endotoxin in the. According to the principle of detection, divided into the finish color method and dynamic development process. The finish color method is based on endotoxin concentration in the reaction mixture and the release of the termination of the incubation nonferrous group there is a quantitative relationship between the amount of to determination of bacterial endotoxin in the method. Dynamic development process is to detect the shade of the reaction mixture to a preset absorbance reaction time required by a method to detect the growth rate of chroma or.



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