"C-Arm" is a name given to specialized X-ray imaging machines,

"C-Arm" is a name given to specialized X-ray imaging machines, due to the special arced semi-circular design. C-Arms use X-rays for imaging, but are designed to work with lower amounts of exposure.

C-arms are one of the driving technological forces behind the advancement of minimally invasive surgeries. These mobile fluoroscopic imaging systems are precise and accurate devices that allow for less patient discomfort in a variety of surgical and nonsurgical procedures. The minimal invasiveness with the use of C-arms has helped lead to the increase of more cost-effective outpatient care. C-arms provide patients with minimally invasive, pain-reduced procedures.

C-Arm imaging equipment is capable of being adjusted to different settings depending on the application. This means that X-ray exposure can be fine-tuned, and results in lower radiation levels.



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